SmartRecruiters, 2022
Optimizing the job board marketplace experience
My role
Design Lead
5 weeks
Responsive web
Creating a new marketplace experience for our customers to shop and select job boards to appropriate market their job postings. Optimizing how to view and scroll through many different job boards in order to match our user’s job outreach needs.
What is SmartJobs?
SmartRecruiters’ ATS allows users to advertise and source candidates. Here, they can choose between the different available job boards. This feature is responsible for $6.5 million ARR.
Data insights
Single postings
Inability to post multiple places at once creating a strenuous, repetitive experience
0.95 average applicants
Even top performing job boards such as LinkedIn and Indeed on average brought in less than 1 applicant
Not scalable
Did not account for additional business add-ons for Boost
Problem statement
How might we drive revenue and create a more intuitive experience in the advertising space?
Project goals
Drive revenue via Boost
Implement the new business feature available for purchase to create higher quality candidate drives
Retain existing customers
Avoid driving away customers that may already be utilizing our advertising experience
Intuitive sourcing experience
Prevent customers from repeating processes and allow a streamlined, one-stop-shop for all advertising needs
Vendor analysis
Our product manager narrowed down to two potential solutions– Vonq and BroadBean. From there, I took the initiative to review the user experience of each to then suggested to mock-up each experience and how it might manifest in our system.
Wireframes and UI iterations
Research with usability testing
I put both vendor prototypes in front of our customers in order to test the success of the new advertising capabilities. I asked users to think aloud while testing the new mock-up to execute their sourcing needs.
Vonq > BroadBean
From this testing, we were able to confirm that VONQ was the more intuitive user experience for our customers.
Preferred card format
With a new card design format, users are able to view and browse more job boards at one time.
Positive reaction to Boost
With the introduction of the new business feature implementation that will bring in more, higher quality candidates, Boost was positively received by users.
Card design UI
Utilize available credits
Purchase new Boost feature for quality candidates
0.95 > 10 average applicants
Newly implemented Boost feature saw an increase of 10 applicants per advertised job
$800K in savings
Multi-posting form reduced advertisement processing time saving approximately $800K/year with improvements to applicant quantity and quality
Design system contribution
Prototyping the new UI saw meant I created new, updated components into our design system (tabs, cards)